Suffering From Chronic Pain? OT Can Help!

Chronic Pain Dec10th 2023

Do you suffer from chronic pain that impairs your physical abilities? If this is the case, you are not alone. A occupational therapist might be able to provide you with the relief and relaxation you’re looking for.

We understand that chronic pain from arthritis, trigger finger, sports injuries, and other conditions can make daily activities difficult. That is why our occupational therapists prioritize working with you to develop pain-management strategies while also assisting you in making lifestyle changes that will make your life easier.

Call Fleming Physical Therapy Consultants today to make an appointment with one of our experienced occupational therapists and get back to living a more fulfilling, pain-free life.

How can I tell if occupational therapy is right for me?

Occupational therapists are movement specialists who help patients maintain their daily routines while also providing pain relief.

Occupational therapy for young patients may include practicing the movements required to tie their shoes or brush their teeth.

Occupational therapy can be used to treat a wide range of issues, including:

  • Overuse injuries are common and can occur in any part of the body that is frequently used in daily activities. How you stand, move, perform, and exercise, for example, will have an impact on your body.
  • Hand edema can be triggered by trauma/injury, infection, arthritis, or repeated stress damage. A too-tight cast may also cause hand swelling.
  • Shoulder pain can result from a variety of causes, ranging from the temporary discomfort of a strained muscle to the painful bone-on-bone friction of arthritis. Lifting objects or extending to reach items may be difficult if you have this condition.
  • Fibromyalgia is a blanket term for a group of symptoms that include discomfort, pain, and chronic fatigue.

What is occupational therapy, really?

Occupational therapy is a branch of science. It’s a tried-and-true treatment that aids in the healing and regaining of skills following an injury, assists children with disabilities in school and social situations, and aids seniors in improving cognitive and physical abilities.

An individual evaluation to determine patient goals, customized intervention activities to improve the patient’s daily tasks and activities, and an outcome evaluation to determine whether goals were met are all part of a comprehensive occupational therapy plan.

Your occupational therapist will closely monitor your needs and, if necessary, modify or extend your treatment time.

An occupational therapist’s goal is to assist you in regaining function and independence that you may have lost or are at risk of losing as a result of an injury or painful condition. They can assist you in completing your daily tasks more quickly.

Assume you have a condition that makes it difficult to reach high up on your kitchen shelves. An occupational therapist is trained to help you with everyday tasks in new, safe ways that do not jeopardize your comfort, privacy, or independence.

What to expect from your treatment plan

Occupational therapy is about more than just helping people recover from injuries. Occupational therapy has been validated as a science-based treatment in a number of medical journals.

Our occupational therapists at Fleming Physical Therapy Consultants focus on each patient’s functional demands by developing exercises and activities that improve physical and psychological well-being.

We use the following occupational therapy strategies at our clinic:

  • A one-on-one assessment to determine the patient’s goals.
  • Intervention actions that are tailored to the patient’s specific needs and activities.
  • An examination of the outcomes to determine whether the objectives were met and, if necessary, whether changes to the plan are required.

Finally, you can achieve relief from your chronic pain.

From assisting children with disabilities in school and social settings to helping elders improve their physical and cognitive health, occupational and physical therapy can benefit people of all ages.

Call Fleming Physical Therapy Consultants today to schedule an appointment with our dedicated staff if you or someone you care about could benefit from occupational therapy. Our team is committed to assisting people in recovering from injuries and regaining functional skills.


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